SBOM Lifecycle

The lifecycle of an SBOM covers the stages involved in creating, managing, and using a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM).

SBOM Generation

Generating an SBOM encompasses the following steps:

Learn more about SBOM generation here.


The analysis phase uses the SBOM to create insights about the software components identified in the SBOM. Multiple stakeholders should be examining the contents of the SBOM as part of a risk management approach. At the start of the analysis, the accuracy and completeness of an SBOM should be verified to ensure their reliability in subsequent analysis activities.

Typical SBOM analysis activities include:

Much of this analysis can be automated by using appropriate tools and processes to extract maximum value from the SBOM data. APH10 has extensive experience in analysising SBOMS and can advise on suitable tooling to help in this activity. Contact us today to discuss  your needs.

The analysis activity is a continual process; even if the SBOM is not changing, the status of software components is constantly changing as new vulnerabilities are being reported and the risk profile 


The analysis will inevitably identify some issues which need to be remediated. But how to select which ones need to be remediated first? This will depend on your risk appetite and availability of suitable resources. However the best approach is a risk driven approach which looks at the impact that the issues will have on an organisation rather than a metrics driven approach e.g. fix all vulnerabilities of a particular category.

Whatever approach is chosen, the priortisation process needs to be flexible to reflect a constantly evolving threat landscape.


Implementing changes to a software product will result in a an updated SBOM being created. The lifecycle will then start again where the analysis can then establish if the changes have resulted in an improved security risk profile.

However it is important to manage and maintain each version of SBOM which represents a product which is deployed into an operational environment. 

Next - The role of SBOMs and Compliance 

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